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High Impact Teacher Qualities
Read more on how Commitment to Collective Teacher Efficacy skills can help grow your pedagogy and your learners outcomes.
High Impact Teacher Practices
Graham Nuthall was a New Zealand academic, researcher, and author who spent the vast majority of his working life exploring how students learn.
Setting them up to Succeed: Teacher Groundwork
Learning Strategies for English Language Learners / ESOL
Reciprocal Teaching
High Impact Teaching Practices
Teaching Learners with Dyslexia
Teaching Students with Learning Needs
Teaching Māori Learners (ākonga)
Teacher Efficacy with Te Reo & Te Ao Māori
Peer Support
Peer support involves one or more learners teaching other learners, by design, in a particular area either formally or informally.
Preventative Approach – Classroom Climate, Organisation & Student Engagement
Effective teachers, according to Scheuermann & Hall set their classrooms up for success by preventing problem behaviours from occurring in the first place.
Communicating for Boys’ – Positive Reinforcement
Because boys are sensitised to failure it’s crucial they experience success and are recognised for their success even if those successes are small. By doing so boys will be encouraged.