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What is SLEUTH?

SLEUTH is a tool designed solely to grow pedagogy skills in teachers. We have long believed that teachers are asked to spend too much time changing WHAT We Teach ( curriculum ) and not enough time upstream in the HOW we teach ( pedagogy ) – this is understandable as the HOW is hard to work on , information can be disparate and it is often seen as an Art and not a Science. We have specifically designed SLEUTH to help teachers and organisations work on the HOW – SLEUTH has research and strategies for teachers plus allows learning organisations to stocktake their pedagogy skills and then use this information to match up your organisation’s internal capabilities and all grow together…

Who developed SLEUTH?

SLEUTH was designed by InterLEAD – a New Zealand based education organisation. InterLEAD has had over 20 years of experience delivering leadership services to schools and centres across New Zealand.

InterLEAD directors Tony, Andrew and John identified the need for a comprehensive, online tool that would support teachers with systems, ideas and research that would free them from the constraints of current and ineffectual practice and provide them with evidence-based teaching strategies. Whether it’s to improve the outcomes of struggling students, or better support those with special learning needs – SLEUTH breaks down 12 high-impact pedagogy fields, and provides teachers with actionable research and quick solutions to grow their practice and improve learner outcomes – in a nutshell SLEUTH is designed for learning.

How does SLEUTH support my Learning Organisation?

In the era of distractions SLEUTH focuses squarely on How We Teach because the What we Teach is ineffective if not supported by good pedagogy.

SLEUTH has a number of key benefits to your learning organisation – such as;

  • Allows your learning organisation to better understand your current pedagogy skills through pedagogy assessment data.
  • Allows you to use the pedagogy assessment data to connect teachers and utilise your internal capabilities plus also analyse the data to plan PLD.
  • Provides your teachers with a platform to grow their pedagogy- accessing research , strategies and focus areas to grow pedagogy at any time that suits them – 24/7.
How does SLEUTH support educators/teachers?

SLEUTH has a number of key benefits for teachers – such as;

  • Providing access to the latest pedagogy research and helps teachers replace ineffectual practice with evidence-based teaching strategies.
  • Provides access to thousands of Quick Solutions to assist with understanding and growing teacher pedagogy skills
  • Allows staff from within an organisation to connect with those who may be able to offer assistance in an area of pedagogy or conversely allows teachers to assist a colleague in an area of need.
  • Allows teachers to self-assess their pedagogy skills to better understand areas of strength and areas you may need to work on.
  • Teachers have the ability to drill down into their teaching practice and set Focus Targets to grow pedagogy – work from a neglected pedagogical area to having it embedded in their practice ( with supporting documentation ) . This area fits nicely within the Professional Growth Cycle requirements.
What type of Educator/Teacher can SLEUTH assist?

SLEUTH caters for teacher right across the education sector – it can assist beginning teachers grow their initial pedagogy skills through evidence based research and strategies while also assisting experienced teachers to extend and grow their pedagogy through specific focus targets in areas such as High Impact Teacher Qualities and High Impact Learner Qualities.

SLEUTH can also be utilised by specialised teachers ( i.e SENCO , Learning Support Teachers etc ) and Teacher Aides to help develop strategies that enhance learning for all students including those with Learning Needs and Challenging Behaviours.

How much does it cost? Are there any hidden costs?

SLEUTH can be accessed from as little as $4.00 NZD / per month for organisations and $6.25 NZD per month for individuals. We have both monthly and annual payment options – please refer to our pricing page to see more and sign up….

Does SLEUTH have a free trial period?

Yes we have a 14 day free trial period – please go to our pricing page and sign up for a no obligation 14 day free trial.

Can others see the information I put into SLEUTH?
  • Only the individual sees their actual results
  • People can drill down into the school-wide data but do not see individual names, just categories and percentages.
  • When you complete the self-assessment, those who are higher in a category will see your result to be able to offer assistance; and those who are lower will see that you can offer them assistance. Those on the same level do not see any data.